
An Inconvenient LOVE 不方便的爱


“Ah Gal 要养狗吗?我们这里有一只”



A simple conversation between my relative and my mum introduced a new life into my home. It is all because of my sister's intention to rear a dog...woof woof !
However, the only thought I have is all about the RESPONSIBILITY..

Rearing a pet is not as simple as to feed it and lock it in the cage. For certain you can't just play it and leave it like your pokemon and digimon as you intended to do what!
From the food, cleanliness range to its mental health, like it or not, it is all the RESPONSIBILITY that an owner supposed to bear with since the day you take it back to your home.

我只有个想法:“ 宠物=责任 ”
拥有自己的宠物不仅要当他的保爸,照顾好他的起居饮食, 卫生健康,又要当起训练师,训练好他的品行,还要兼顾心灵辅导师留意宠物的身心发展(动物也会有忧郁症的ok!)只有那些没耐性没良心的才会把宠物丢一旁,喜欢时就把玩一下,其余的时间留它自生自灭。


上课都已占了妹妹大多数的时间,和狗狗相处的时间自然少之又少。反而多受罪的自然就是妈妈啦,在忙家务都喘不过气来的当儿还要照料这只小生命。无奈呀~ 幸好这狗狗也还算灵精,只要在笼子里都不会乱乱排放米田共。唯有傍晚放出来自由时间才会大解,而我也只好替它把关咯。

This explained why I dislike to owns a pet. How ridiculous for me to get a pet while I myself not even able to claim I managed myself pretty well ?
Things never goes as planned, just as we realize my sister would not able to take care wholly on the doggy itself. She has her school session to go for, here's arise the problem where my mum and I have to take care the little doggy..aiks aiks aiks..



Luckily the doggy was quite brilliant, it NEVER poo in the cage and it like to bath. I need not to take care it much. Haha. Dog also can be some sort of independent,right ? LOL.
Keeping a dog in its cage is quite awful experience to any dog, but that's the only solution for housing areas dweller to be resorted. Whenever it comes to routine evening walk, the dog will become so agitate to jump inside the cage. (like it just taken morphine -.- so crazy)
Well, I opened the cage and this RON97 pumped doggy burst into its own energetic laps, keeps on running like hell, here and there until it collapsed. Mmm...no doubt this is the most anticipated moment for the dog in everyday!


Yah, since it was just new, there are lots more for it to learn to adapt to our family lifestyle. Not so only, I think my sister has to start to learn on what kind of responsibility she have for the new life intruder. ^.^



[P/S: A pet have their right for better treatment. Says if you are protecting the animal by keeping its' whole life in the cage from human's perspective, then how about the doggy's point of view?]


SuFang (Careen) 说...

很同意你的想法 :) 但是如果一个家庭收养了一只小狗,街上可能就少了一只可怜的流浪狗哦!

potachen 说...

那只狗有品种名字吗?有点像马尔济斯...哈哈!我明年才去NS~真的很开心可以中~ 保持乐观去体验咯!你觉得里面环境怎样?有没有遇鬼经验?==

Ras 说...

so cute <3 love them so much!

WK 说...

Su Fang: 对啊,这狗也算是被亲戚遗弃辗转之下过来我家的。

Potato: 她是西施犬 :-)

匿名 说...

Because i love your posts i thought i would show my appreciation by making a comment. Thanks alot for the great times you give :)

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