
A bone 一根骨头

A bone?

If you got seen my post "An Inconvenient Love", then you should know about her.

Curiously staring at the bone (@o@) 对骨头满脸好奇的神情

Happily getting her first "bone"  :-)  感受到她开心到爆的感觉吗?

What are you looking at? Don't ever think of taking my TOOTHBRUSH away! woof* woof*
看啥?想拿我的 “牙刷” 门儿都没有!rf rf~

Yeap! No doubt! Instead of a bone, this is a dogie toothbrush. A fully edible bone-like designed which aids in plague removal while chewing, preventing plague formation that leads to gingivitis gum disease. Personal observation tells me the dog truly madly love it! It even ignored my call with its new toothbrush. Aiks aiks aiks, what a dog...

(Picture source: Pet Life)

[p/s: Like I mentioned before, you as a pet owner enjoys your pet fun session, so who should care of your pet's health? The pet itself ? ]



Nana Lana 说...

scrub d brownish legs lol

potachen 说...

话说 看了你的部落 为什么你要有英文和中文一起啊? 很好奇 狗啃着骨头是你真实拍下去的吗?

WK 说...

Nana: You wanna give me a hand? :-P

Potato: Yup, I captured the moments myself :-) Btw, bi-language is for my other friends who does not mandarin-literate.

Koh Kian Fai 说...

好可爱的狗狗哦~ :D


HelenCC 说...

visited back ^^
I'm also UPM student leh..
jz graduate!
看见狗狗照片,我就会recall到FeiFei的画面~ >o<

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