
Dare or Not : Sky-Venture

Well, I dare to go up high but that does not mean I am not hypsiphobia type (fear of height). Yet, I just spent my saturday for this awesome first time challenge - Paramotoring oh yeah! Thanks to AirVenture in collaboration with Groupon for the promotion ^.^

Here's the machinery for us to fly high, 2-seated with a big fan at the back (huh?)
The flying site is located at Pulau Indah, somewhere that I never heard about. It is just nearby Pelabuhan Klang (as told by Google). Along with two cool dudes and GPS which I depend much on it, here we go! 
Pulau Indah is a super remote area, with only those industries and for certain lack of facilities. The only marking for the site is a tree, quite difficult to find actually. What else left is grass, plainly grassland. (I wonder where had the cows gone?)

With limitation of 20pax per day, 2pm-7pm is their training time. (Oh gosh, it is super hot!) We start-off with our ground training by experienced and dedicated staff.

Step 1: Inflate the parachute.

Step 2: Run like hell! Do I look like chicken little? :-P That parachute is super heavy, especially when I tried to fight with the wind. (My muscle is aching nw..)

Step 3: Trying to Fly !

Surprise always there in life! Even in these remote area! My eyes was so big when the ice-cream seller driving towards us. But sorry pak cik, I dislike ice-cream...

After completion of all the tiring ground training, we all are ready for the sky venture! 
3-2-1 GO~

Holding my breath, the paramotor set off..
YES! I am flying!!! As high as more than 300m~ and it can goes as high as 3000m

Can you spot the car?

For safety reason, only legs allowed in this picture :-P

Upon request, the instructor also allow us to take over and control the parachute by ourselves after departure. 

" Being a first timer for paramotoring, it was indeed a fantastic experience to fly using such limited apparatus ^o^ While getting rid of my adrenaline rush and motion sickness, spectacular view joy of controlling parachute, making stunt and conquer the sky will surely an addicted, unforgettable memory to be said "

~ I Paramotoring ~

More information pls refer: Air Venture


senyumSOYA 说...

waaa.. wk.. so fun!!
pergi tak ajak I ya..hehehh..
have a nice hols..
next trip i want to join cn r? (^^! hehehe

jfook 说...


Nana Lana 说...

OMSGOSHHH!!!! <3 this man!!!

Peo\\\/\/// 说...

I wonder you are intern-ing or playing....
Always been here and there...
looks fun
sei yeh:P

EeSoon 说...

It looks so fun!

potachen 说...

其实,1.5km并不是很长啦!是我跑过最短的一次~ 最长的有7km== 那才是真正的马拉松赛跑啊~

难得人生中有过这么一次的经验和体验!真棒~ 需要付费玩吗?

WK 说...

senyum soya: sure ok ^.^ u not afraid of height?

Peow: for both, haha

Potato: 要付费的哦,正常价RM150

Ras 说...

this is AMAZING!!! XD sounds fun!!

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