
CarLill vs Carbolic Acid Ltd Co.

Went 4 tuition today afternoon...heard bout one court case tat did happen b4.(a true story) In this case ,CarLill iz d plaintiff while Carbolic Acid Ltd Co. emerged as d defenden. One day, CarLill saw an advertisement introducing a flu medicine,stating tat after intake of it will help smbd 2 free from influence 4 two weeks.It oso claims tat there's an insurance policy in one million 4 d medicine. After CarLill took d medicine, he was cured. However, two days later he got another flu. Hence, he was really mad bout d advertisement n took d action 2 sue d company. At the court, Carbolic Acid Ltd Co. claims tat CarLill should noe tat every advertisement iz juz a puff. Everyone do bombasting their product 2 gain attraction from ppl. He should oredi figured out bout tis kind of common sense.There should no garuantee tat had 2 pay to CarLill. CarLill prosecute tat he do realize bout d truth which almost all advertisement are blowing their own trumpet. But d advertisement had claimed tat d medicine iz insuranced n tis iz d main factor which contribute 2 d trust of him as a consumer. He took it seriously due 2 d amount of one million garuantee policy. So, how do u think bout it ? Did CarLill won or failed 2 charge d company ? . .. ... .... ..... D answer iz CarLill did win d case!!! D judge had put d judgement on CarLill vs Carbolic Acid Ltd Co. bcoz of d contracture seriousness. D strength point of CarLill 2 won in it iz accordingly to d insurance policy stated in d advertisement. D policy had earn ppl's trustworty towards d medicine n it iz undeniable !


匿名 说...

Thanks for writing this.

J-Co 说...

Thx for supporting!

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