
Logos Hope @ Port Klang

Hooray! October seems to be the month of BOOKS, aside from the ongoing Big Bad Wolf @ MAEPS currently, there's another spot for reading book purchase-- Floating Book Fair of Logos Hope @ West Port Klang, Pulau Indah!

The entrance at Glenn Cruise

With just RM1 of entrance fee, you can board the cruise for their over 5000 book titles selection from 29th Sep till 23th Oct 2011. It opens on Tue-Sat (10am to 10pm), Sun (1pm to 10pm).
p/s: Noted that it closed on Monday yah.

Interior of Logos Hope

Spotting some "dangerous creature" in the cruise. Beware!

Spare your time inside to enjoy their introductory video, pick some great books in the U-shape book fair, then approach their friendly staff and volunteers for a moral story-telling on "Journey of Life" and end your journey with some ice-cream or beverage at the International Cafe. Ahh..what a nice day to be~

Ambitious fake-captain

Night view of Logos Hope

For more information, log on to here, Hey Kuching and KK folks, get yourself ready for the cruise visit in the coming date yah~
Probably you will need this too, +2' 59' 1.08'', 101' 20' 26.75'' or 2.983852, 101.338651.

Happy Reading Everyone! :-)


Big Bad Wolf is back!

Dude, this is an event that everyone was anticipating for! The return of big bad wolf, from 7th Oct to 16 Oct 2011, opeing daily from 10am till 9pm! By taking a free shuttle in MAEPS- Malaysia Agro Exposition Park Serdang, you will find it no way difficult to reach this awesome place! Best tips from me, bring enough cash budget and your own's shopping trolley or recycle bags. (You'll definitely buy more than tonnes, hahaXD)

Early in the morning yet people was all ready for the BOOKS! 75-95% discounted books~

Seeing lots of parents carrying their child, and sadly some of them are being left at certain place, can't they  just leave them at home? Babies crying and parents are so busy to select their favourite while forgetting the little one. Even announcement of people losing their identity card...hmmm...

After crazily picking up all the books, its time to sit down and evaluate which are those books worth to bring back home. (Believing you won't want to purchase some books to balance up your desk only.)

Ta-da! These are my day-hunt. Widely open smile for these books costing me RM99 ONLY! Super CHEAP indeed~~

Then what are you waiting for? Read these map and go for it fast! Happy Reading Day!


时刻上的数字十一点三十分,这里是MAEPS-Malaysia Agra Exposition Park Serdang的停车场,有一群年少轻狂的少年在这里尝试了他们的第一次。。

第一次Go-Kart 啦~ XD

我只能说第一次玩Go-Kart (卡丁车)的体验,是拿命来玩的。甩弯时那种随时被离心力抛走的惶恐,耳间不断的撕裂紧急刹车声加上柏油路石子摩擦溅起引起的不安感;这就是它刺激却又危险的部分。不巧挑了一辆有毛病的卡丁车,结果开场不久后便被后来赶上的车子撞上!跑了几圈后,渐渐地熟悉跑道和操控的我也渐渐不怕死地玩命了起来。初生之犊还真是不知死活呢。一个小时不间断的赛跑后的人虽是平安,但也换来全身上下的疼痛和撞击的淤青,有苦自知。但提供单位还的确是没把安全措施给做好,没安全带,没护肘护膝,没背垫,安全性真低。



真的 “假警报”

报告新闻:现在是凌晨0245, 正当大伙儿还在梦乡的摇篮里造梦的同时,一群人大事喧哗的狂拍房门,高喊 “失火了!失火了!” 随着失火警铃响起,尽管住户们看似带有不甘愿的心情,大伙儿不急不徐的纷纷往同一个方向走去。。在身体的电池还没有完全充电好之前处于半睡眠状态的我也利用僵尸步行法拖着身体到了集合点。


天啊~ 果然没错,火警演习又来了!每年的火警演习总爱挑在这种午夜梦回时分扰人清梦惊醒大家,让我们来个措手不及。消防车在大约十分钟内抵达后搞了搞人数点名,教导如何使用灭火筒后又把我们给放生游走回房。。



Doggies In the Wonderland @ Dogathon 2011

看见这大大的字板,很难不晓得这是Bukit Expo UPM, Dogathon 2011 的现场啦。与去年的Dogathon 2010 相较之下,今年来参与这个年度盛事的狗儿种类和品种更多了!之前在Dogathon 2010 那篇大概说过了这活动的吸引点,所以今年这篇就以图为主吧。值得一提的是其中获得的善款将捐于帮助流浪猫狗的用途。

It was just hard for you to get ignorance about this Dogathon 2011 event held at Bukit Expo UPM today after all their overwhelming promotion and advertisement. By comparing with Dogathon 2010, more breed of canines are attracted to come for this big day for them! Something nice to mention s is about the money gained from this event shall be channeled to PRO-KASIH, one of the association which take cares wellfare of stray cats and dogs.

Passionate owner of five dogs

The dogathon is about to start!

Brainstorming time, how many breed of dog that you can recognize in the next 9 photos?










There's various stalls selling more dog-related goods, namely collar, leash, nutritive food, toys, anti-parasitic drug and etc. Other than that, grooming service is available for your loving one.


And for me, I tried my first time experience of riding the horse back, though it's awesome yet I still scared of falling down. (So high weh~)

Playing small games for big prizes

超幸运的说,用RM1投进了两个圈获得了一堆狗食。 (今晚晚餐有着落了,开玩笑 XD)
So fortunate to say that I won these dog food by throwing in 2 rings into the nails on board for just RM1.
Its my lucky day! Haha :-) 

Although I left my Shizu home, I had bought a lot of stuffs for her to enjoy. Nevertheless, its still fun for coming for this annual event. If you missed it again (Not again huh..), just be ready for next year my friend.


Dogathon 2011

还记得去年提起的 2010 Dogathon 吗?

就在 2/10/2011,由UPM兽医学会举办, 你绝对不会想错过今年第十五届的 Dogathon 2011~ 









Chagar Hutang 护龟之行

Here it is, an unpolluted, crystal-clear ocean where I will spend for a week. 


As what I mentioned earlier in a post "海水正蓝,保护海龟!" during Jan, I am just so lucky to grab the chance to be fitted into this SEATRU volunteer program. Located at the northest part of Pulau Redang, Chagar Hutang is a beach gazetted for sea turtle conservation purpose.

堪称为海龟们的天堂的Chagar Hutang 是由SEATRU (Sea Turtle Research Unit) 这一个研究组织自1993开始极力维护的沙滩。所作所为为的都尽是海龟、海龟、还是海龟。而我们这一群龟人也悄悄的来到了岛屿上的,展开了这护龟行~

This turtle santuary is wholly protected by the effort of SEATRU (Sea Turtle Research Unit) since 1993, founded by Prof Chan Eng Heng. It is not a NGO, neither a government bodies but a research station which aimed to protect the endangered one while data analysing the sea turtle. Four species out of total seven sea turtle of our world does exist in Malaysia. Here's one of the location where the hawksbill and green turtle are discovered to lay their next generation.

身处这个任何电话到不了,汽车通不到,网际网络和收音机都忘了覆盖的范围;需要的正是一群能吃苦,独立,有责任感,对海龟保育活动有热忱的人。假如你只是个没了电话, 没了Facebook非死不可的任性小家伙,奉劝你还是乖乖的待在家做你的小公主、小王子吧。

Turned out to be in this part of island where cars, mobile phone line, internet connection and even radiowave are all impossibly accessible yet I feel just perfectly fine. Away from the hustle and bustle of city life, I just simply love the calmness and peace of mind this place offers.



Do you the one afraid of  loneliness? No worries because there'll be different visitors from the forest everyday come around our living place to give our eyes some sparks. (Note: Beware of these animals stealing something XD)

我们以确保海龟顺利上岸,产卵,归返大海;记录每一个时间为主要目的,还要确保海龟巢免于天然掠夺者的袭击的任务可不是开玩笑的耗时。(海龟嘛~ 你要她多快唷?)


Other than morning patrol, walking along the sandy beach during night patrol with only one small torchlight on hand is a rather new experience for me to be said. This is to prevent large movement and light which will shunt away the sea turtle as they are very sensitive to these when they are landing. The whole process of landing, crawling up the beach, body pitting, chambering, covering, camouflaging, return to ocean was so time-consuming, ranging from 1.5 to 2 hours of waiting for each. (Hey, it's just a sea turtle! How fast that you expect from it?)

Ping-pong like soft-shelled sea turtle eggs

Card games in dim light while awaiting next petrol shift 

Preferred of overnight on the beach staring at the starry starry night though chalet is provided.

Inspection of  incubation status and nest excavation

Hatchlings awating for release during high tide

Ghost crab preyed and fungus infected eggs


How nice it was to watch the hatchlings emerged from the sand (as deep as 1 meter) then hastily crawling towards the ocean where they belong to. It was their natural instinct to remembers this beach while they crawling over the sand, leaving here afar and returns to this place where they are borned after 20 years to lay their next generation.

作为小小的慰劳,得天独厚的Chagar Hutang 不仅有美丽的海龟,依山旁海的位置里也隐藏许多的有趣玩意。当然,这是个人选择要跟随与否的。

As a little reward, it is optional to go for activities such as turtle rock climbing, river hiking, prawn spa, and etc.

沐浴在芬多精满满的 Prawn SPA
Prawn spa in the midst of phytoncid

Superb itchy sensation when those little prawn doing bad to your dead skin, hahaha~

Kite flying on the beach

Let's snorkel~

瑜伽? Yoga?

SEATRU volunteer program Slot W 的我们

If wealth status permitted, do try to adopt a turtle. More than that, you can named it too.

我的海龟,J-co 哈哈XD

出一份绵力保护海龟,相信你也行!如何做呢, 看这里
只要18岁以上,年龄不拘。希望你也有机会往Chagar Hutang, Pulau Redang 体验这龟の行一番。

Make your contribution to protect and conserve sea turtle, an irreplaceable asset of the world. Do your part! As long as you are 18 over, be one of the volunteer by joining this program. More details and info refer here.

【后记: 在这七天里,在一种困在岛屿上什么都救不了你的感觉里更深刻体会到了更深层的人与人相处之道。一样米养百种人。来自不同背景和国家的交流与合作,在没有选择的情况下要达到互相迁就,彼此了解的生活在一起,实在是永生难忘。这更让我知道身边与自己共同迁就生活的人实属得来不易,更该珍惜。】

[Postscript: 7 days of experience in an isolated island makes me feel that the importance and difficulty in getting along with people from different status, background, and mostly  personality. Without any other option, communication and tolerance become the utmost crucial things to live with others whom you must cooperate with. What an unforgettable lifetime experience! ]
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