
Ethics In Eating Animal

Controversy always exist whilst dealing with the issue of eating animals. Whether it is a right choice for us as human to consume on the meat of the other organism or it is a crime actually ?
"Eating meat is tantamount to murder"
Our daily life seems having no problems at all in taking a meal with some or more meat inside the plate. We as the consumer will simply judge the food either it is exorbitant or reasonable or other factors such as the taste and freshness of it. However, we all do forget about something important! It's all about the source! Where does the meat come from ? Definitely from those living organisms! And how we obtain it ? That's simple! Just kill it! The process of slaughter is so far away from our naked eyes that makes people don't care about it. People didn't even have to look into the eyes of the animals when it is destinied to death. We don't even know what they feels and went through it when they are dying. Continuing the carnivorous eating habit inevitably directly promote the culture and the sacrifies of more cultured-to-die purpose domesticated animals, say, chicken . Why don't we have our alternatives to obtain the same level of protein in which we can discover in those natural products, for example, soya beans and flour. Hence, ain't we do murdering the life via our silver spoon and fork ? "The Pleasure Human Take In Eating Meat Outweighs The Suffering Of The Animals Involved"
The difference between animals with humans namely the capacity for pleasure and pain. The breed animals even have to be killed but the pain was just a moment. This is rather nothing if compared with the life of the the cattle or chicken that had survive it's life eating feeds, moving here and there, mooing or coo-cooing, and then standing around. Yet really understanding the interior life of the animals, is that considered as pleasure for the beast to spend for years followed by years? Human find that meat provided the best gustatory pleasure compared to the other foods, vegetables and nuts to name a few. If you want someone to completely become a vegetarian, that would indeed a hard effort to be carried out due to a whole range of gustatory pleasures are unavailable to the vegetarians. The distinctive point of view is to give emphasize on the morally cultured agricultural practises instead of deterring people from eating any meat products. From this two opposing opinions, how far is your acceptance and what's your stand?  

Eating Animals is Right Or Wrong ?


匿名 说...

so, what is your opinion?

jfook 说...

wah..got worldview..hiaks...lol...

J-Co 说...

anonymous: For sure, a sudden habit shift would be troubled by factors, thus, a time-consuming changes have to be given where I think I might start from eating less meat, or even make the 1/3 of my daily meal to be free-of-meat. Let us work it out together. ^^

jfook: Thx ya, gonna improve more lolz, TQ for ur support!

Nana Lana 说...

None violence leads to the highest ethics which is the goal of all evolution...

until u stop harming all other living beings, u r still, savages...

no rite no wrong.
god created it to be tat way...

chuanyi_mystory 说...

lolx..i just dun think it s wrong to consume meat lo..god created them for food..if u eman by consuming meat is nt a right thing,then what u suppose those canivorous to eat then..u expect a tiger to eat carrot? God never ask us to stop eating meat anywhere.Just dun make the slaughtering painfull for them is one of HIS order.

eng keng 说...

wow, u shud hv join us studying about food...wakkaka

cyws 说...

x sure bout the principle of world.. if we judge it based on the natural biosystem..its nonsense i thnk..animal consuming animal..completing the food chain..or else we human thought ourself were sometihng different...x animal..maybe animal with ETHIC..? if so thn we will act beyond the naural biosystem lo as a supervisor that simply use some reason like ethic to distinguish ourself...n judge other..

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