
Tanglung oh Tanglung

Mid-autumm, what a harmony night for us... An inherited tradition, from generation to generation originate from a distant place known as China since thousands years ago. Events bring about changes, changes contribute to our advancement. Yet, it(tanglung) had become something concerning rememberance, memories or even a memo for us to remind, to relate and to appreciate. To remind of your family, to relate to those relationship, and to appreciate on the things that others and us had accomplished during the days. To reunite, for reunion... However, 2008 wasn't a year that allows me to home return for the reason handling the PESTA TANGLUNG with my companions, that's an experience.
I miss, I care, I remember all of you~


梦缘 说...


J-Co 说...

I might still blurr with d' tanglung ahead n hoping someone to tell me, yet, with desire my tanglung inside will continue to flame low but consistent.

~惠云~ 说...

so do u miss me?? XD

J-Co 说...

Yup, miss ppl lotz

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