
Surely not an alien !

Know what was that beside ? Recognize it or not ? Something that you eat for almost everyday ? . . . . Yup, that's it ! A 7 day's chicken embryo, fresh from the egg^^


eng keng 说...

wah, so cute..

J-Co 说...

yup, giv u 1 wanna?

半港阿嘉 说...

Sure ont? Luckily wt i eat avdy is egg..nt embryo yet..

xiAo b@o 说...

wau,veli e xin lo.
wanna vomit ady..
ho xim lo,don put so e xin de photo la...luckily i eat avday is egg not dis kind of thing...
how r u lately a?
long time no c liao.
i open new blog liao la,when gt time go cc la...

~惠云~ 说...

ishh!! so disgusting!! u dont tell me u purposely break the egg to look at the embryo??!! how cruel r u!!

J-Co 说...

whu intend to this without reason wor, I m doing d experiment of virus isolation laa, so nid d cell of the chicken embryo lolz...

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