

太恐怖了!!! 当科技以日新月异的速度发展着,人权组织的活跃跳动下,战争已不是件令人最为担忧的事. 当人们都为世界的经济烦恼时,又意识到环境与气候的不妥,可别忘了接下来的挑战是回到了人们最基本的一个问题:为活而食! 现今的社会里,不难找到还会有些十三点的人追求着为食而活,可这不重要!重点是我们在追求更美好的生活品质,要求健康驻我家的同时,是否已意识到杀手就在四周装木头呢?

 每一天的进食时必然的,但吃的健康却不是人人做得到。第一类的人想健康,却吃得不健康。同时候第二类的人想健康,以为自己吃得很健康却到头来还是吃出一生病。这到底是为什么呢? 全因懵懂!因为不全面的消费者知识让自己身陷毒海(非磕药之毒),于日益累积的浸泡下,加上年龄增长身体功能衰弱而造就了新世纪的第一公敌:病! 种种的病痛都源自口...套句老话:“病从口入" .

打个比方,听说过MSG(Monosodium Glutamate)吧?简单来说,它是种味精(Flavor Enhancer/Flavoring)。我们都说味精吃多对身体不好,可他是怎么个不好?程度多广呢? 经研究人员测试,食用MSG的白老鼠会释放比平时多三倍的胰岛素(Insulin),以长期的作用来说,实验的老鼠将变得痴肥/肥胖(Obese)。肥胖没什么大不了的,是吗? 当一个人变得痴肥,病痛也跟着找上门。走路会喘不说,头痛(Headache),周期性偏头痛(migraine),小儿麻痹(Autism),老人痴呆(Alzheimer's),糖尿病(Diabetes), 失眠症(Insomnia), 胸口疼痛( Chest pain), 口干(Extreme dryness of the mouth ) 。。。等等都是MSG食用过量或累积而引发的原因之一! 

更糟的是,MSG具有使人慢性上瘾的效果! 究竟有多少的食品是含有MSG的呢?市场上的上架品往往在成分方面动了手脚,你会惊讶的发现同样的东西却可以被隐藏得那么的妙!分别在于它的名称!  

***Monosodium Glutamate
***Yeast Extract, ***Sodium Caseinate, ***Calcium Caseinate, Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein, Hydrolyzed Protein, Hydrolyzed Plant Protein, Plant Protein Extract, Textured Protein (Including TVP), Autolyzed Yeast, Hydrolyzed Oat Flour, Corn Oil
***Malt Extract, ***Malt Flavoring, ***Seasoning, ***SpicesBouillon, Broth, Stock, Flavoring, Natural Flavors/Flavoring, Natural Beef Or Chicken Flavoring [ *** 是最为普遍的名称]
以上图片显示的仅仅是冰山一角!在我环顾商场内的上架货物,由食材(BBQ酱,蘑菇汤,番茄汤,鸡汤,鸡精块,老抽,蚝油,斋香菇蚝油...),快熟面(几乎无一幸免),直到食品类(各类饼干,Potato chips, Oreo, Chipsmore, Wafer, Cococrunch, Honeystar,Milo,白咖啡...) ,都含有我所说的MSG或用另一个名称刊于包装上,真是让我越看越怕! 同时候,我也惊然发现有许多大马的知名厂商如Nest*e, 李x记,A1 肉x茶快熟面, Mxggi等等虽然都是老字号,可是从那粉饰的包装外也无法放弃使用MSG的成分于他们的货品。可见这些食品添加剂早已深入我们生活,根深蒂固。吃了那么多年的饭菜也当没事,可见得我们都是那可怜的第二类人啊! 所以,可别因为消费者的一句不知道或不懂就把一切的责任推给制造商而已!他们固然有一定的责任可我们也得为我们的口负责啊! 

 谨记 人是吃出来的!


XtasyM 说...

They are protecting their market.

Case 1. Let's say u bought a maggi mee that not tasty at all. Will ppl buy again?

Case 2. They quit using MSG, but to reach the same taste, they add more salt and sugar. Cost higher, so will ppl buy maggi or change to other cheaper brand?

Case 3. They dont use sugar n salt. Use synthetic sweetener like sorbitol, aspartame... Cost low, but carcinogenic... How?

The market for "tasty user" is still very large. Where has demand, there will be supply. Unless u say tat the whole malaysia dun wan MSG, dont eat tasty food. Then ur dream may only come true. Pathetic huh!

J-Co 说...

Yup, ur consideration r right. Yet as the K-based ppl r more n more, v r more concern on our health. That's y organic shop r gain their popularity nw although organic things r more expensive comparatively. As a short term, impossible to make changes, but if we reduce purchasing those stuff and give pressure to them, they will try to figure out other solution d.

wyeyan 说...

so yogurt also consist of MSG?

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