
Ethics In Eating Animal

Controversy always exist whilst dealing with the issue of eating animals. Whether it is a right choice for us as human to consume on the meat of the other organism or it is a crime actually ?
"Eating meat is tantamount to murder"
Our daily life seems having no problems at all in taking a meal with some or more meat inside the plate. We as the consumer will simply judge the food either it is exorbitant or reasonable or other factors such as the taste and freshness of it. However, we all do forget about something important! It's all about the source! Where does the meat come from ? Definitely from those living organisms! And how we obtain it ? That's simple! Just kill it! The process of slaughter is so far away from our naked eyes that makes people don't care about it. People didn't even have to look into the eyes of the animals when it is destinied to death. We don't even know what they feels and went through it when they are dying. Continuing the carnivorous eating habit inevitably directly promote the culture and the sacrifies of more cultured-to-die purpose domesticated animals, say, chicken . Why don't we have our alternatives to obtain the same level of protein in which we can discover in those natural products, for example, soya beans and flour. Hence, ain't we do murdering the life via our silver spoon and fork ? "The Pleasure Human Take In Eating Meat Outweighs The Suffering Of The Animals Involved"
The difference between animals with humans namely the capacity for pleasure and pain. The breed animals even have to be killed but the pain was just a moment. This is rather nothing if compared with the life of the the cattle or chicken that had survive it's life eating feeds, moving here and there, mooing or coo-cooing, and then standing around. Yet really understanding the interior life of the animals, is that considered as pleasure for the beast to spend for years followed by years? Human find that meat provided the best gustatory pleasure compared to the other foods, vegetables and nuts to name a few. If you want someone to completely become a vegetarian, that would indeed a hard effort to be carried out due to a whole range of gustatory pleasures are unavailable to the vegetarians. The distinctive point of view is to give emphasize on the morally cultured agricultural practises instead of deterring people from eating any meat products. From this two opposing opinions, how far is your acceptance and what's your stand?  

Eating Animals is Right Or Wrong ?


这是我的20岁,老大不小的年龄,一个学着承担责任的岁数;一个矛盾的年龄。 生活的阶段性真的很美,美;在于它其中的酸甜苦辣。 一次又一次,一波接一波的‘意外’事件,丰富了这成长的岁月,可不是? 那离我一小段时间的过往,真怀念。不禁想说生活的每一刻好似等待被压缩的晶片记忆体,记载着回忆,记载着你们和我。
例:小孩子都爱跑来跑去,难免有时会摔跤。一些父母会安慰孩子说:哦,bb乖乖!地板坏蛋,让bb跌倒。来,我帮你打它! 这样的反应事实上在告诉孩子千错万错都不会是孩子自己本身的错!这样就失去了一个教导孩子学习承担与认错的机会! 所以,小小的事物,小小的事物从小都马虎不得啊! 为孩子想想吧~~



心不开, 不开心
真的, 笑不起来
理性去哪了 ?
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