

在高速公路上行驶,生命是赌注! 今天的我,又一次的被委任司机的身份。飞驰在高速公路,在各种道上,一会儿来个意想不到之背叛的峰回路转大转弯,一下子又出现平坦不已一帆风顺的康庄大道,途中还不时遇见犹如人生波折的小小弯弯儿,搭配沿途如同岁月变换的风景道出各种考验与无奈。。。 




活在地球上,没有人能自命清高说:“钱罢了嘛,吓我不倒的”! 钱啊钱~注定铸成两面诉说世情的两面,可以是天使,可以是魔鬼!怎么说?饭岛爱自杀事件袭击大家的金钱价值观,一个拜金女?一个情圣?一个叛逆的少女? 为了爱情,离家出走。。。 为了和同居的男友生活,偷了父母的存折。。。 为了生活,到卡拉ok陪酒。。。 为了玩乐和打扮自己,偷取别人的财物。。。 为了替男友背债,进行性交易。。。 为了向往的纽约生活,签约成为AV女优。。。 为了钱,放弃自己的原则。。。 为了工作,把自己和男友所生的胎儿堕掉。。。 最后, 她,自杀了。。。 金钱的奴隶充斥社会的人口,你我都害怕没钱的生活吧 ? 金钱的诱惑全基于我们不愿意牺牲! 害怕输,输掉建立在虚荣上的优质生活,优质待遇,优质享受。。


Joyful Christmas

MERRY X'mas 2008 !


A date with Sabak Bernam

Often whenever I start my introduction to a stranger, expressing myself came from Sabak Bernam would return me with questions as... WH-ere is it? WH-at is the place? Or even ridiculously some says Sabah is it? Hey man, Its Sabak not Sabah ok! (^^) And this was the main purpose which stimulate me to present you my hometown- SABAK BERNAM. Sabak Bernam (in short I just write SB) is a district of Selangor, Malaysia. It is situated to the northwest of Selangor. It is bordered by the state of Perak to the north, Hulu Selangor to the east, Kuala Selangor to the south, and the Straits of Malacca to the west. Bernam River forms its border with Perak. Towns in Sabak Bernam include Sabak(also known as Sabak Bernam) and Sekinchan. SB is likewise a center revolve by few places. If you are coming down from north, it will only takes you 36km from Teluk Intan, Perak. But if heading from south, as you can view from the map above, you'll come across Kuala Selangor(60km)--> Tanjong Karang(46km) --> Sekinchan(32km) --> Sg. Besar(12km) --> Sabak Bernam(0km). Reaching SB would lead you to the local museum- LEMBAGA MUZIUM SELANGOR. Details of the museum: Mon : Closed Tues-Sun : 9:00a.m. to 5:30p.m. Enterance: Free
Sabak Bernam is a place which developed due to the agricultural activities such as rubber plantation, oil palm plantation, paddy field and fisheries. Thus, the main focus of the museum is about the history and development of agriculture in SB. For most of the youngster as well as teenagers, especially for the urban dwellers or even some local people would glad to appreciate the chances to witness the facilities and understand the impact of the agricultural sector towards the development of family,society and nation.
Picture above shown the olden tools used to harvest rice. The process of converting the golden crops into white, precious staple food !
Picture below depict the modernization by application of machineries in agriculture sector !
A common transport present in the past - Kereta Lembu
Leaving the museum won't made you forgot to pay a visit to RUMAH WARISAN. This is a Malay style atap house for antique storage where some artifact left by Bugis people is waiting for you to discover !
A: Tempuk sirih
B: A wooden box, fullly decorated with the speciallity of Bugis
Why not have a look at PENGKALAN SABAK ? Here are something that I would love to share with you all, stated in Malays.

Asal nama Sabak Bernam diambil daripada nama sahabat berenam iaitu enam orang sahabat yang mula meneroka kawasan ini.
Enam orang sahabat itu terdiri daripada lima orang lelaki dan seorang wanita.
Semasa mereka memudiki Sungai Bernam, mereka menghadapi berbagai kasukaran kerana tanah di kiri dan kanan sungai senantiasa dinaiki air kecuali di satu kawasan yang tinggi seperti busut.
Disitulah mereka berpondok dan memasak dengan menggunakan tungku yang diperbuat dari tanah liat yang berlubang di bahagian tengahnya untuk meletakkan api dan dilubangkan di satu sudut untuk menyerong kayu api. Dapur ini menyerupai tempat orang memasak nira kelapa untuk dijadikan gula kelapa atau gula. Dapur ini dikenali sebagai sabak. Sabak ini pula dipunyai oleh enam orang. Itulah sebabnya kawasan ini dipanggil Sabak Bernam.
Tempat sebenar yang dinamakan Sabak Bernam ialah di kuala Sungai Bernam yang mana sekarang dinamakan Sungai Lang.
The story didn't end so. Reveal the others by yourselves yah!
A stone pathway was laying there for your steps. It will be the best place for your legs to wonder before sunset.
If you are lucky, sometimes you'll see some folk was around there to fishing. Grab your relax there won't be difficult...(^^) Come over the MENARA PANDANG, step up with your anticipation.
Sunset view at the MENARA PANDANG tells something...
Not far away sat a chinese temple--tian fu gong (天福宫)
What if I'm not satisfied with these?
Then have a rest at the rest house, recharge and prepare for the next !
Waiting for another evening? Come on, start your engine and let us shift to BNO(Bagan Nakhoda Omar), just 14km away from SB.
Here I come! Sunshine...Sky...Beach...Stones...Trees...and my love!
BNO is a fishing village exist for a long time ago. Peoples there are passionate to welcome your arrival! You shall observe the scenery of the fishing bot homecoming, loaded with hope, along with the responsibility of the people to sustain their family while raise their child... ...
Keep your eyes open because the are many strange people like these too oh! (^^)
Days gone and we grown, under the same skies everyone bearing an ambition trying to archieve it !
Yet, we knew. Yes, we knew that we have to struggle for our life! Struggle for something that might be in the skies. Sat down and think... How to put in into action?
Enjoy the life, bath with the sunshine...
Be there the ocean will listen to your voice !
Sunset doesn't resemble the end of a day!
Darkness won't be always indication for nightmare !
Some day,
Some where,
Some place,
I will be here, hugging the skies again, with another identity telling you what is my tale in my life...
P/S : It's my incompetance in introducing everything in my hometown, leaving a puzzle for you all to welcome and please come capture it by your own naked eyes ya.
What makes us different is everybody is a thinker! Deep or shallow ? Think about it!


乐上的六合汤--(20th-23th Nov)

看到左边这大大的东东(Labu Sayong), 应该不难猜我们所在位置吧! 没错,大伙儿溜到了瓜拉江沙(Kuala Kangsar, Perak),为的就是一个MUSIC CAMP。 正确来说我是当中筹委的一份子。所以得发挥双重身份,兼顾营员与营长的职务咯。。。 以下就是我想与大家分享在营中的点点滴滴~ 先由众女班开始吧~
Wah! 窈窕淑女,君子好求。。。去到哪儿都一样,女生永远都比男生多的啦~
为什么被称为乐上的六合汤呢? 因缘来自它结合了音乐与六合净 一、见和同解 二、身和同住 三、口和无诤 四、利和同均 五、意和同悦 六、戒和同修 一个营怎么可以没有营歌呢?不然就太不像话了! 想听听看我们的营歌就得往下看咯。。。
身旁的你们 和我相识相惜 Shen pang de ni men He wo xiang shi xiang xi 
一起唱 一起笑 Yi qi chang Yi qi xiao 
口中的话语 散发点点温馨 Kou zhong de hua yu San fa dian dian wen xin 
是慰问 是关心 Shi wei wen Shi guan xin 
意愿的开展 唱出心中的 太阳 Yi yuan de kai zhan Chang chu xin zhong de tai yang 
发了光 变灿烂 Fa le guang Bian can lan
乐上的六合汤 邂逅和谐的旋律 Yue shang de liu he tang Xie hou he xie de xuan lv 
激起神奇的荡漾 奏出慈悲的喜乐 Ji qi shen qi de dang yang Zhou chu ci bei de xi yue 
释放爱与希望 使我们路见温暖 Shi fang ai yu xi wang Shi wo men lu jian wen nuan 
往内心筑佛法 让心灵 升华… Wang nei xin zhu fo fa Rang xin ling sheng hua…
我们秉着 Wo men bing zhe 
共同的坚持 不变的理念 Gong tong de jian chi Bu bian de li nian
在这善法滋润的 屋檐下 Zai zhe shan fa zi run de wu yuan xia
让佛陀的教诲 源远流传… Rang fo tuo de jiao hui Yuan yuan liu chuan… 
有缘相聚在这里 和乐 同住 You yuan xiang ju zai zhe li He le tong zhu
一路上有你陪我 Yi lu shang you ni pei wo 
精进 共修 Jing jing gong xiu 彼此连心 Pi ci lian xin 散播 喜悦 San bo xi yue  

这可是我们的老师(颖斯)哦! 老斯早,同学们好,我们开始上课了~

首部曲:预备唱合唱团之前, 测试音域及声部发配

上图:女高音-Soprano 中C至高A 下图:男高音-Tenor 中C至高A

上图:女低音-Contralto 低F至高D 下图:男低音-Bass 低F至高D

在短短的几天内修炼后,听听看有些什么成果吧~ (上)第一首,缘之家 (下)第二首,聆听来  
在MUSIC CAMP 里,亦尝试了第一次谱曲的经验! 欣赏完所谓的合唱团后,别忘了营队的优良传统STATION GAME啦~ 千手之Game Master站长





任务完成! (^o^) (^o^) (^o^) (^o^) (^o^)



Dance Channel

Hi everyone! Before I start on anything today, let me share with you all a video clip first (^.^)  
How was the video clip??? Wanna know who are they ??? Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you my dance group---旋8---(SWIRL) !!! From left to right : Liannie, 克婷,惠育,薇琪,江琪,蔚妮(winnie),兹琴 Boys ahead : 庚佑 和 我咯~ Here's with me is my super action girl, 薇琪. She's really good at doing those dance step! However aiyoyo what a blur blur girl also ! She always wrongly misunderstand other people's words and makes us laugh a lot. I can say 'Sporting' was the best word for her ! Followed by pooh-Winnie the pooh! Indeed a pretty women walking down the street~ Alos she looks different with and without spec look oh~ Although usually she seems cool but actually she's really nice in helping us. Moreover, thanks to her for willing to sacrifice her another camp and accompany us untill the last day of Dance Channel !!! (clapping...) 江琪, deep thought... Having her own point of view towards any matter, and often having some argue with me! Don't worry la, that's just our way to communicate but still both of us are ok d'. Lastly, she able to overcome her fear for gotta disguise as 70's women, all that for us and for our performance! Now, 兹琴... Cute and soft, feel ok with everything. Need someone to protect her, haha. Must mention a guy, ming tat. A popular guy among camp members but extreamly noisy during playing "Mafia". So always being killed. But still ok laa, because I am even noisier than him and often be the one to be killed. Haiz~ Cheers up ^,^ with 宏威。A guy who smile all the way round. Someone sings quite well and passionate in singing as well ! Don't forget he's also a big fans to Aunt Sa (莎姨) lolz... The boy in front here is KY. Often expressed as in sleepy mode. But incrediblely dance well in hip-hop. 惠育, a girl came from UM. But the thing is that she do practice hard on everything. Loveable by all of our group members. Another person...oh no, should be a battery instead of human---克婷. All because of she dunno what is the meaning of tired! Soooo energetic like the energizer battery storage (n.n),wahaha~ Although our group isn't the best of the best, but what we do appreciate is the willingness to come out with those idea and compile it into the edited songs, created the dance steps and practised whole heart within the limited 2 days preparation. Hopefully we got another chance to collaborate again and become crazy with our action lolz! P/s: Young Is Great!!!
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