
2 strangers

Fortune does come after bad luck! Just few days ago, losing a mobile phone plus sick for 4 days continuously while not forgetting still having ulcer in mouth as well as toothache do made me feel uneasy. But today, I got to go somewhere near South City Plaza there for dance practise after receiving a call. 

With kind of hesitate, I just wait in front of my college, waiting for my right bus to fetch me. 5 minutes... 10 minutes... 30minutes... time simply goes by seems like forgetting about me already. No buses ! Totally no buses at all passing by !!! Holding the dwindling hope, I am bored...
Suddenly, a motor pass by and below are our conversation :

Mr. Unknown : Where are you going ?
Me : KTM Serdang 
Mr. Unknown : Then come on, I give u a ride. 
Me : Are you going there too ? 
Mr. Unknown : Going The Mines. But I can drop you at KTM there. 
Me : Thank you ~ 

Along the way, the cold night breeze blew my mind up. This was the first time for me to ride a motor on highway. He's a foreigner, possibly Iranian. From our short chat, then I realize that he's a phd. student in UPM. What a fortune to me ! Arrival at KTM Serdang not an ending, yet another event indication. Rapid KL No. T417 was here, ready to send me to my destination. But the driver do not allow me to in due to I didn't have RM 1. He refused to receive any other larger value bank note. Why ? Then I just gotta request one of the passenger to change with me. And here comes an adult, probably 35++, average height and common attire. He handed me a note of RM 1. Immediately my problem solved. And he also decline me to pay him back. What a nice person ! Finally, I reached there ! 

p/s : Although the event not bombastic enough, however, I felt twice my heart wholly filled with grateful ! They are both stranger for me, yet I can absolutely sense their true heart, that's make me feel touch. I will do somethings like them as well if I got an opportunity, all because of them. These comforted me that this society is still an caring society, not a definitely moral decay one. Treating people good shall gain happiness !
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