Leaving the museum won't made you forgot to pay a visit to RUMAH WARISAN. This is a Malay style atap house for antique storage where some artifact left by Bugis people is waiting for you to discover !
B: A wooden box, fullly decorated with the speciallity of Bugis
Why not have a look at PENGKALAN SABAK ? Here are something that I would love to share with you all, stated in Malays.
Asal nama Sabak Bernam diambil daripada nama sahabat berenam iaitu enam orang sahabat yang mula meneroka kawasan ini.
Enam orang sahabat itu terdiri daripada lima orang lelaki dan seorang wanita.
Semasa mereka memudiki Sungai Bernam, mereka menghadapi berbagai kasukaran kerana tanah di kiri dan kanan sungai senantiasa dinaiki air kecuali di satu kawasan yang tinggi seperti busut.
Disitulah mereka berpondok dan memasak dengan menggunakan tungku yang diperbuat dari tanah liat yang berlubang di bahagian tengahnya untuk meletakkan api dan dilubangkan di satu sudut untuk menyerong kayu api. Dapur ini menyerupai tempat orang memasak nira kelapa untuk dijadikan gula kelapa atau gula. Dapur ini dikenali sebagai sabak. Sabak ini pula dipunyai oleh enam orang. Itulah sebabnya kawasan ini dipanggil Sabak Bernam.
Tempat sebenar yang dinamakan Sabak Bernam ialah di kuala Sungai Bernam yang mana sekarang dinamakan Sungai Lang.
The story didn't end so. Reveal the others by yourselves yah!
A stone pathway was laying there for your steps. It will be the best place for your legs to wonder before sunset.
If you are lucky, sometimes you'll see some folk was around there to fishing. Grab your relax there won't be difficult...(^^)
Come over the MENARA PANDANG, step up with your anticipation.
Sunset view at the MENARA PANDANG tells something...
Not far away sat a chinese temple--tian fu gong (天福宫)
What if I'm not satisfied with these?
Then have a rest at the rest house, recharge and prepare for the next !
Waiting for another evening? Come on, start your engine and let us shift to BNO(Bagan Nakhoda Omar), just 14km away from SB.
Here I come! Sunshine...Sky...Beach...Stones...Trees...and my love!
BNO is a fishing village exist for a long time ago. Peoples there are passionate to welcome your arrival! You shall observe the scenery of the fishing bot homecoming, loaded with hope, along with the responsibility of the people to sustain their family while raise their child... ...
Keep your eyes open because the are many strange people like these too oh! (^^)
Days gone and we grown, under the same skies everyone bearing an ambition trying to archieve it !
Yet, we knew. Yes, we knew that we have to struggle for our life! Struggle for something that might be in the skies. Sat down and think... How to put in into action?
Enjoy the life, bath with the sunshine...
Be there the ocean will listen to your voice !
Sunset doesn't resemble the end of a day!
Darkness won't be always indication for nightmare !
Some day,
Some where,
Some place,
I will be here, hugging the skies again, with another identity telling you what is my tale in my life...
P/S : It's my incompetance in introducing everything in my hometown, leaving a puzzle for you all to welcome and please come capture it by your own naked eyes ya.
What makes us different is everybody is a thinker! Deep or shallow ? Think about it!